5 Reasons you need website redesigning

Does your website stand up to your expectations?

Well, if you yourself aren’t happy with the way it looks and works how could you expect your audience liking it. With the advancement in technology and competition on web everybody is standing in a race to dig their flag at the top and win the maximum conversions.

You probably might not be having an idea or reason to spend some extra bucks on redesigning your website. But I would like to draw your attention towards few major aspects of your website as following.

Loading Time of the Website

According to a recent survey, 49% of consumers expect a site to load in 2 seconds o less and rest 51% are patient enough to wait for the website to load.

So, would you like to risk a huge amount of traffic and loose your audience because of your damn high loading time. Well, I believe you won’t!


How often you find time to visit your website and check if the user experience you are offering is good enough to retain visitors or not?

If you haven’t visited your website lately then possibility you could be missing some quality checks and might have overlooked. So, keep an eye on the display, user experience and performance of the website.

Mobile Experience

Undoubtedly mobile traffic has surpassed web in a huge volume and you can well understand the significance of mobile users. So, make sure your website is easy to navigate on mobile devices and offers a good interface for smaller screens.

Conversions & Sales

Are you happy with your online revenue ? Does your website brings enough sales ?

If your answer is No, then it’s a high time to consider it seriously and look into the reason of loosing the high volume of people who are making online purchase. A good design and call to action have proved to be a magic wand in success of online stores.

Bounce Rate

If you are not able to retain your visitors more than few seconds and meet your business goals then its a matter to think upon. You will have to find out the root cause for this bounce rate and increase your effort towards improving your user experience.

If any of the above is being one of the reason for your failure , you should work with a designer having good experience with branding.