Category: Web Development
Here you may find various posts on web development.
Article Ordering in Joomla
If your Joomla site has a “category blog” display, you need to make sure that the articles display in a certain order. This video demonstrates how to do that, using the Menu Item settings. It also shows how to add space around a picture in Joomla, so that the text doesn’t bump into the image.
Nokia Maps Places WordPress Plugin
Short tutorial how to use Nokia Maps & Places plugin With this plugin you can share with your blog readers the location of an event, the places where you have been to or the destination where you are going. The embedded widget can be customized to show the map of a location, to show the details of a mentioned place and to share a place and its link on Readers can plan the route to the place from your blog. You can find more information at Plugin was build with Nokia JS Places API
Import Configurable Products with Custom Import: Magento Commerce
For more details on the custom import see: I can make the CSV file and the PHP file available, as some minor tweaks mentioned in the forum topic of wiki in order for this to function in 1.4.x of Magento CE.