Tag: 2011
Nielsen Consumer 360 – Online Shopping Panel
The Future of Online Retailing E-Commerce continues to expand as traditional retailers embrace the changing landscape of consumer’s digital demands influenced by social media, mobile and growing technology access. Adam Lashinsky, Editor at Large for Fortune, facilitates a conversation with Steve Nave EVP & GM of Walmart.com;Anne Jones, VP, Shopper Marketing & Business Development, Kimberly-Clark; Mike Brennan, COO of Peapod.
BlackBerry DevCon Asia 2011: Day 1 Developing for BlackBerry 10 with Web Works and HTML5
Natural, wearable, daytime look by Little Kiva
Illamasqua’s new collection: www.illamasqua.com Inglot cosmetics: (Dont sell online): www.inglotcosmetics.com My channels page: www.youtube.com/LittleKiva Please Subscribe-its free and means alot… Favourite xxxxxxxxx Littlle Kiva xxxxxxxxx