Tag: and
How To Sell Beats Easy And Fast (Guranteed)
7e63ezqj23a0bkd9i57jx7a9ba.hop.clickbank.net – As a music producer selling beats should be you primary concern. Sitting down at your keyboard to use your reason 5.0, Fruity Loops, mpc, or pro tools is fun… But if you don’t sell those beats you can’t pay the bills and really live. To find out how to increase beat sales visit 7e63ezqj23a0bkd9i57jx7a9ba.hop.clickbank.net
Another Day with Olga Kay – Creative nails
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER www.twitter.com friends and artists Joe www.youtube.com Richard Ryan www.youtube.com Jack www.youtube.com Betsy www.1224-design.com MISTY Gonzales www.mistyfreechild.com YOUTUBE CHANNELS http youtube.com youtube.com ONLINE STORE olgakaydesigner.spreadshirt.com CONNECT with me http twitter.com facebook.com imdb.com myspace.com dailybooth.com MY IPHONE APP bit.ly OlgaKay POBOX 17782 Van Nuys, CA 91416 See you guys next time!!! Hugs Olga aka MOOSH mommy
Swapnote RPG pt.2: The Tutorial
Hey everyone! This is a tutorial video for making Swapnote RPG’s (SNRPG) of your own. Hopefully this will help clear up any confussion or questions from my last video. To play along, you’ll need a 3DS, Swapnote, and the info found in the links below (PDF’s and JPEGS): Blank dungeon templates: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com The Caves of Whispering Madness Adventure: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com i59.photobucket.com i59.photobucket.com Universal Characters and Combat Rules: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below. If you’d like to help me make the game something bigger, better, and easier to integrate, shoot me an email at bosshogx@gmail.com. Put SNRPG in the title. You can also follow me on Twitter @MNCDover. I’ll also be updating this video description with any websites if the video gets linked. Please let me know in the comments how you found your way here and I’ll add it to the description. Here are the links: 3DS View: www.3dsview.com Nintendo-Okie: nintendo-okie.com NintendoGalaxy: nintendogalaxy.net NintendoLife: 3ds.nintendolife.com Megapirateninjas: www.megapirateninjas.com Special thanks to everyone who offered help, support, kind words, and emails. I’m not worthy of your praise.