Tag: arts
These are some pumps I found at a thrift store and decided to do something feminine for a change. In the beginning pics you’ll see random spots where there are snakelike shape. I used a soldering iron just wanted to try it out, you can’t really see them in the finished product. SUBCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL, KEEP AN EYE OUT MORE TO COME!!!! CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB WWW.360S3V3NCR3ATIONZ.COM ON MYSPACE CREATE_THE_IMPOSSIBLE YAHOO THREE60S3V3N_CR3ATIONZ ONLINE STORE COMING SOON!!!
“Wild Orchid Crafts” Design Team-12/11 kit!
Thanks for watching! You can head over to WOC online store for TONS more goodies!! xo, Jules:) www.wildorchidcrafts.com
Bleach Painting
Ben’s “bleach paints” sun rays onto one of his clothing designs. This tee and others are available his online store: www.runwemust.com Get a discount with the code: “birthday”