Tag: Brandon
WordPress Install: The best way to start a blog from scratch!
betterateverything.info Step by step instructions that show you how to purchase a domain and install WordPress on your own host! Bluehost betterateverything.info GoDaddy: betterateverything.info
WordPress Tutorial: HTML To WordPress Pt.1
this is a tutorial on how I created my website in this tutorial I show you how to code an html & CSS template to get it to work with wordpress and php coding that is needed for wordpress to work. More tutorials on this are coming soon. files you need to create 404.php [it is the page that tells people they are on a page that does not exist.] archive.php [shows your articles by day month year] category.php [list of category post] footer.php [footer information such as copyright and links to other pages sites whatever] functions.php [how your wordpress theme will function] header.php [header information such as banner image and pages menu link] home.php[optional but good to have if you want to have a custom home page] index.php[this is where you will see blog post & it is mostly known as the home page if there is no home.php file in your theme.] search.php [needed if you want to make it easier for people to find something on your site] sidebar.php [most people like to have a sidebar on their theme because they like to display things like widgets but on my site I added what would normally go inside the sidebar inside my header.php file so I did away with having a sidebar on my theme.] there are more but these are most common. my other 2 youtube channels my second channel www.youtube.com my fan video channel www.youtube.com my website pixalpocketmedia.com follow me on twitter www.twitter.com add me on facebook www.facebook.com invest in me on empire avenue www.empireavenu.com