Tag: eshop
Shopify, Domain Changes, Register Google Apps
Eshopwiz, ecommerce, online store, make your own online store, build your own online store, how to build an online store, build an ecommerce store, ecommerce software, shopping cart software, building an online store, online store creation, build an online store, make an online store, create…
How to Configuring a Shopify Store
www.eshopwiz.com eshopwiz.com is a free course teaching both technology newbies and veterans how to build a successful ecommerce store store. We offer a free 7 day video course showing you how to go from nothing, to a built ecommerce store in just 7 days and make your first sale online. Go to http and subscribe to receive your free daily lesson straight to your inbox.
Swapnote RPG pt.2: The Tutorial
Hey everyone! This is a tutorial video for making Swapnote RPG’s (SNRPG) of your own. Hopefully this will help clear up any confussion or questions from my last video. To play along, you’ll need a 3DS, Swapnote, and the info found in the links below (PDF’s and JPEGS): Blank dungeon templates: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com The Caves of Whispering Madness Adventure: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com i59.photobucket.com i59.photobucket.com Universal Characters and Combat Rules: bengray76.files.wordpress.com i59.photobucket.com If you have any questions, please ask in the comments below. If you’d like to help me make the game something bigger, better, and easier to integrate, shoot me an email at bosshogx@gmail.com. Put SNRPG in the title. You can also follow me on Twitter @MNCDover. I’ll also be updating this video description with any websites if the video gets linked. Please let me know in the comments how you found your way here and I’ll add it to the description. Here are the links: 3DS View: www.3dsview.com Nintendo-Okie: nintendo-okie.com NintendoGalaxy: nintendogalaxy.net NintendoLife: 3ds.nintendolife.com Megapirateninjas: www.megapirateninjas.com Special thanks to everyone who offered help, support, kind words, and emails. I’m not worthy of your praise.