How to sell on Ebay for beginners

Learn more: As part of my de-cluttering process, I unload a lot of my stuff and random items by selling it on on Ebay. If you have never done it before, you will probably be surprised at how easy it is and how quick you can make a little money. Last time I de-cluttered, I made over 0 for only a few hours worth of time. This is a perfect follow-up to some major closet simplification. So, if you have a few hours of spare time, this may be a good way to make a few bucks.

Learn How To Sell Handmade Crafts Online

Find out more at Learn how to sell your handmade crafts online on the Handmade Horizons Marketing e-course. The eight week interactive program starts in January 2012, and will give you the skills, confidence and motivation you need to build your craft business and start generating the results you deserve. The course is led by Claire Hughes and Polly Dugdale — marketing experts with over eighteen years’ combined experience helping retailers succeed online. Click here to watch a video explaining more about who we are, and learn why we’re so ridiculously excited about working with creative women like you! What will you get out of it? By the end of the course, you will know how to do all of this and more – Price your products at a level that rewards everyone — you and your customers – Identify, and describe what makes your business unique – Present your products in a way that gets your customers to BUY rather than just ADMIRE – Plan when to launch and promote your products for maximum impact through the year – Identify and avoid common mistakes on your online shop, including the 10 deadly sins! – Work out which marketing channels and tools will work best for your handmade business and your budget – Run promotions and offers that (almost!) sell themselves – Use online marketing to generate a steady stream of traffic and customers — search, blogging, email marketing and more – Rid your fears of social media and learn how to effectively manage your