Installing Magento 1.4 using the full release package – Part 3 of 3

Show Notes: In this deailed step-by-step tutorial I walk you through downloading and installing Magento Commerce using the “full release” bundle available from the Magento Commerce website. The installation process is the same for Magento 1.3 as it is for 1.4. For more Magento and eCommerce screencasts visit

How to install Joomla 1.5 on a MAMP Server (HD)

In this tutorial I show you how to install joomla! 1.5 on a MAMP server in OSX 10.6 1. Download joomla 2. Move directory into htdocs 3. Create database in phpmyadmin 4. Browse to the folder through a web browser 5. Follow instructions 6. Delete installation folder 7. Enjoy! DEFAULT ADMIN PASSWORD IS ALWAYS admin