Tag: iphone
Hype review – HTML5 editor for Mac
Today we’ll review Hype, the first real HTML5 editor for the average site owner. To see a demo of a Hype site in action, go to omniversemobile.com. It costs in the Mac App Store. Websites itechgadget.net http veepals.com Twitter @gtgitech twitter.com
Safari 5 Vs Windows Explorer 9 (HTML5 Graphics Speed Test)
This isn’t a bash video. I don’t care which browser is the fastest but the claims that Apple comes out with is so damn ridiculous. Claiming Safari to be the fastest browser in the world is going overboard, it’s really the slowest browser i have used, Safari doesn’t use flash so it should be a lot more faster but in my case it was suckky!! slow at loading multiple pages. Many Apple fans will say: ” Well it least it has better security” Well i don’t think so!! Safari 5 was hacked in less than 5 seconds: www.pcworld.com appleheadlines.com Test your Web browser: ie.microsoft.com Website tested in the video: www.readwriteweb.com Music: John B – Key West Nieve & Cook – Priceless Few Intro made on: C4D Screen capture: Fraps Editing software: Sony Vegas 10
HTML5 Speed Reading test (iPhone 4 iOS 5 beta)
Microsoft test HTML5 Speed Reading iPhone 4 with iOS5 beta www.navimania.gr