Create a Website With WordPress – Free Tutorial

How to build a WordPress website from scratch. **Instructions for uploading your test theme to the Internet** Navigate to your themes folder on your computer which is located in [InstantWPfolder]/ipwserver/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes Upload that folder to the wp-content/themes folder on your server using an FTP program OR just upload it from the WordPress Admin panel in the Themes section. Now activate the new theme.

How To Create A Website With Joomla Above is the link I mentioned in the video, it’s the link to the next tutorial to help you get your Joomla website. If you want to go to the page for this tutorial video I will post that link just below, This video tutorial will introduce you to creating a website using Joomla, Joomla is a content management system and makes creating a website so easy. I highly recommend using Joomla to create your website unless of course you want to make a blog, in that case I would recommend WordPress. Joomla is very capable and can run pretty much any size website, you can use Joomla to run a 4 page website or even up to a few hundred pages quite easily.