Tag: MMO
DC Universe Online – Male Character Customizations
NEW! Where’s My Water? guide bit.ly www.mahalo.com This is a walkthrough video for the Jam Packed Super Powered MMORPG DC Universe online! Watch and Enjoy Feel Free to share it with your friends, the power is in your hands! Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/Videogames Check out these related Mahalo Video Game Walkthroughs: World of Warcraft Cataclysm Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Dead Rising 2: Case West Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Plants Vs. Zombies Ipad Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Split Second Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Angry Birds Seasons Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Cut the Rope HD Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Assassins Creed Brotherhood Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Donkey Kong Country Returns Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Infinity Blade Walkthrough: www.youtube.com Epic Mickey Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Gran Turismo 5 Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Walkthrough: www.mahalo.com Call of Duty Black Ops: Zombies: www.mahalo.com Check out these Mahalo Video Games Reviews: Tron Evolution Review: www.youtube.com Gran Turismo 5 Review: www.youtube.com Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Review: www.youtube.com Assassin’s Creed — Brotherhood Review: www.youtube.com Dead Nation Review: www.youtube.com Epic Mickey Review: www.youtube.com Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Review: www.youtube.com Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Review: www.youtube.com Goldeneye 007 Review: www.mahalo.com Check out these Mahalo Video Games Specialty Videos: Mahalo Video Games …
Free to Play Cast: Do it with people you don’t know! (Ep.05)
www.mmobomb.com for the best free MMORPG and MMO Games. This week our player panel chat about role playing within games, drop content information for a few titles, ponder the consequences of marriage, and then take a nap! Does Magicman have what it takes to sell products with a voice over test? Find out in this all new episode! If you have submissions for the show’s Weekly Bombs, have questions for the panel (nothing is off limits!), or just ideas for what you want covered you can now send them to magicman@mmobomb.com How to be a Guest on Free to Play Cast Send us why you want to host, and what topic or game you would like to cover. Send your submission to magicman@mmobomb.com – iTunes: www.mmobomb.com (Audio Version) – MP3 Version: blip.tv – MP4 Version: blip.tv RSS: feeds.feedburner.com Free to Play Cast is your weekly Podcast (and Videocast) about free to play multiplayer online games from MMOBomb.com. – Watch more episodes: www.mmobomb.com – Join our Community and get BombGold coins! www.mmobomb.com – Follow us! Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Soundtrack by: Droideka – Get Hyper www.youtube.com
Auction House and Crafting – Allods Online Feature Review
Welcome back everyone, In this feature showcase I explore the Auction House and Crafting features of Allods Online. Allods Online features an Auction House that provides a great way to sell your crafted, or unwanted items to other players. In this video I am currently selling some tradeskill materials I have gotten from my Disassembling trade. After showing the Auction House I discuss how you go about getting your items or in the case of expired auctions getting your items back. You need to go to the Mail Man and collect your items or money there. Luckily as I was recording some of my things did sell so I show this process. After I finish with the Auction House I describe Crafting in Allods. First I discuss the 3 “gathering” trades, Disassembling, Mining and Herbalism. Then I discuss the 4 “crafting” trades, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmith, and Alchemy. Crafting in this game is somewhat unique and takes some time to understand. I explain this process and hopefully am able to do it justice! When in doubt, check the Help button