Tag: mobile
Using HTML5 and mbed for the Internet of Things
An real-time internet of things demo using the new cortex-m0 mbed ( mbed.org ) and wifly wifi modules for the sensor, with data transmitted and displayed using html5 websockets and canvas on a mobile phone. Full details of how to build it is at http Note: uses a beta version of the Cortex-M0 mbed that is going to be released soon. To know more and when it is released, see mbed.org
HTML5 Mobile Speed Test – Android, iPhone and Windows Phone 7 (Mango)
The HTML5 Speed Reading Test (ie.microsoft.com is shown during the MIX11 keynote is run on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone 7 (Mango) to show mobile performance of Canvas. The full MIX11 keynote is available at channel9.msdn.com
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime offial Commercial Video Presentation
technikfaultier.wordpress.com http Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime offial Commercial Video Presentation