Tutorial: How to do UV Gel Nails at home

Hey loves, This is a much requested video! How to do UV gel nails at home!! 😀 I’ll be attempting to show you guys how I do UV gel nails by myself at home. I am sorry sometimes my hand goes out of the camera range, I will really try to not do that if I make a future gel nails tutorial! :[ I am definitely not a professional and I am in no way trying to tell you this is the right way to do your nails- just sharing with you guys My way of doing it. Gel nails are really time consuming but in my opinion really fun to do and worth my time :] -This design will be the nails you saw in my graduation/prom video – pink/lavender gradient glitter with lots of mixed swarovski bling on it! Check out my online store!! glamboutique.weebly.com Thank you so much for watching, and Enjoy!! Products Used You can find most if not all of these items on ebay 🙂 – Clear nail tips (only covers half the nail) – 100/180 grit nail file – Towel /Paper towel to keep your area clean – 36 watt UV lamp (this is from gel-nails.com) – Base Gel (this is from gel-nails.com) – Clear overlay gel (this is from gel-nails.com) – Lavender glitter overlay gel (you can find this on ebay) – 16ss(or 20ss i dont quite remember ) & 9ss swarovski rhinestones in clear AB – hot pink metal roses – nail brush – clear finishing gel – 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol to wipe off your nails when you are all done xoxo

DIY Fashion: How to make Crochet Lace Shorts

♥ Please read me! ♥ Visit my online fashion boutique: glamboutique.weebly.com & my boyfriend’s online store monkiesplayground.weebly.com Hey loves, Today I decided to do a DIY video! I know you guys love DIY videos and I love watching them too so I really hope you like this one I’m going to be making some crochet lace tiered shorts, I’ve seen these so much lately and I am IN LOVE with them! so I decided to make a pair of my own…my mom saw me attempting to make it, and she kinda took over LOL, so credits to my wonderful mama for helping me make these shorts and teaching me (and you guys) along the way! We both decided on the design together and she sewed the lace onto the shorts. I’m not going to tell you guys this is easy, because its not! But it can be done, and its time consuming. This took probably like a couple hours.. if you guys have fabric glue, I recommend gluing the lace onto the shorts first (this makes it SO much easier) and then later sewing on top of the glued lace to add security. In this video, we didn’t use any fabric glue or anything, just the sewing machine, hehe. Also, just a tip, if you guys are going to try to look for shorts with a side zipper at a thrift store, in my experience, its kind of impossible! But tons of dress pants usually have side zippers, so if you dont have luck finding shorts w/side zippers go look at some pants, and then cut it into shorts like I did 🙂 Alrighty loves, hope you enjoy this video and hope it helps you out

Tutorial: Water Marble Nail Art

♥♥♥**Please Read me for more details on products used, and info! **♥♥♥ Hey loves, ♥ Check out my online store for affordable fashion clothing, accessories, makeup and more: glamboutique.weebly.com ♥Check out my boyfriend’s new online store monkiesplayground.weebly.com for cute affordable erasers!! ♥My facebook! Ask me questions here and get updates! http Today I’m going to be showing you how to do this super unique and pretty marbling/ marble nail art design, and it is actually really fun to do because it involves dripping the nail polish into water to get a super pretty marbling effect!! 🙂 I really hope this helps you out or gives you some inspiration! Thank you so much for watching ! Have fun and good luck. If you do try this out, let me know what color combos you used! 🙂 Products used: – OPI Done out in Deco – OPI Glamour Game – OPI The color to watch – ELF eyeslipsface Smokey Brown – ELF Desert Haze – Vasaline – Cue Tips – Napkins to wipe your fingers! – Water (make sure its room temp!!! not cold!) – Disposable container/ cup xoxo, Kathleen