Tag: online
HTML5 Game Development Tutorial 15 – Making the enemy jet move
In this tutorial, we finally get to move the enemy jet by itself! All of the files are on my Minus profile: min.us If you want to sign up for Minus, this link will give us both 1 extra free GB of space: min.us Check out my website: gyrostorm.com Follow me on Twitter twitter.com Minus Profile: gyrostorm.minus.com
How to run a successful retail store: The Horseshoe Boutique with host Whitney Keyes
Whitney Keyes interviews Jill Anderson, owner of Horseshoe Boutique (Seattle,WA), about customer service and online marketing.
Book Trailer: Selling & Promoting Your Book Online
The Thrifty Author’s Guide to Selling and Promoting Your Book Online is the must-have resource for fiction or non-fiction authors who want to create an effective, affordable Internet marketing strategy. Written for busy people in a busy world, this book makes it easy to understand how to use the Web to build reader loyalty, increase author visibility, and sell more books. Whether you’re traditionally published, e-published, or self-published, The Thrifty Author’s Guide to Selling and Promoting Your Book Online is the quintessesntial road map for using the Internet to promote your book around the clock and around the world.