review: cct-fashion whole sale online store

this vid is about my personal experience with cct-fashion… and it’s not just only based on this blouse… the website is: i also mentioned yesstyle in this vid, maybe i’ll also do a review about them some time 🙂 feel free to rate, comment, ask questions and/or subscribe… thanxxx for watching and have a nice day… bye!~ much love, ljenmf btw i meant xs in stead of sx 😡 hehe :p

Colorful Animal Print Nails Tutorial

♫ ♫ ♪ My First Nail Design Tutorial! ♪ ♫ ♫ Hi everyone! I made my first ever nail design video other than my DIY Nail Polish Color video 🙂 I got a ton of requests to show you how I created this fun animal print nail design. It is super easy to recreate and you can use any colors that you would like. I found that spacing out the dots works out better, so don’t put them as close like I did! If you recreate this nail design, I would love to see it as a video response to tweet me the pic! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ►My Online Fashion Store || ►Business Contact lx3lally(at) • Blog || • Twitter || http • Chictopia || (Use referral: FashionByAlly555) • Ebates: Cash back on your online shopping || •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ►Nail Polish Used: China Glaze Thistle China Glaze Coconut Kiss Revlon Minted LA Colors Art Deco Black Seche Vite

Online-Shopping: Folge 2 – Madam Lili Boutique

Mehr Infos? – öffne mich – ____________________________ Hallo ihr Lieben, ich stelle euch ab jetzt ab und zu einen Online Shop vor. Manchmal springt dabei auch eine kleine Verlosung für euch raus 😉 Heute habe ich den Online-Shop Madam Lili Boutique für euch Der Versand dauert um die 1-2 Tage. Man bezahlt per Vorkasse! Diese Modelle habe ich: Die Ohrringe: Matrosen-Kette: New York: Schlüssel: Paris: Viel Spaß beim Video! Sissi ___________________ Die Schmuckstücke wurden mir kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt!