Tag: unique
LIVE PAINTING with RAEART black and white ART timelapse
buy this painting here- cgi.ebay.com TO PURCHASE ORIGINAL PAINTINGS PLEASE VISIT: EBAY: stores.ebay.com MY NEW WEBSITE: www.raeart.ca MY OLD WEBSITE www.raeart.page.tl CUSTOM PAINTING and PRINTS online store www.freewebstore.org ORDER NOW! “Happiness is a choice” PRINT www.freewebstore.org “Passion Poison” PRINT www.freewebstore.org SHAYTARDS POSTERS FOR SALE!!!! ORDER YOURS TODAY!!! cgi.ebay.com My Brothers Music: www.myspace.com www.youtube.com
Tutorial: How to do UV Gel Nails at home
Hey loves, This is a much requested video! How to do UV gel nails at home!! I’ll be attempting to show you guys how I do UV gel nails by myself at home. I am sorry sometimes my hand goes out of the camera range, I will really try to not do that if I make a future gel nails tutorial! :[ I am definitely not a professional and I am in no way trying to tell you this is the right way to do your nails- just sharing with you guys My way of doing it. Gel nails are really time consuming but in my opinion really fun to do and worth my time :] -This design will be the nails you saw in my graduation/prom video – pink/lavender gradient glitter with lots of mixed swarovski bling on it! Check out my online store!! glamboutique.weebly.com Thank you so much for watching, and Enjoy!! Products Used You can find most if not all of these items on ebay
– Clear nail tips (only covers half the nail) – 100/180 grit nail file – Towel /Paper towel to keep your area clean – 36 watt UV lamp (this is from gel-nails.com) – Base Gel (this is from gel-nails.com) – Clear overlay gel (this is from gel-nails.com) – Lavender glitter overlay gel (you can find this on ebay) – 16ss(or 20ss i dont quite remember ) & 9ss swarovski rhinestones in clear AB – hot pink metal roses – nail brush – clear finishing gel – 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol to wipe off your nails when you are all done xoxo
Fifa 12 Ultimate Team – How To Make Coins With Trade Offers
So this is one of the tricks I use a lot and it can make you a lot of coins if you get lucky, first you have to buy some players that look as if they would sell for more. Once you have brought them offer them as a trade for a card with around a minute left as then the person can’t check their prices and may think they are worth more. If he rejects the offer move onto the next card and so on.