Tag: water
Jaguar vs Anaconda – a deadly fight! on secrets-of-cats.com
►Click secrets-of-cats.com! http – Jaguar vs Anaconda. Jaguar kills the anaconda..leopard jaguar tiger lion vs Leopard Hyena anaconda fight cougar puma mountain badger wolverine wolf eagle hawk rhino elephant rottweiler pitbull python battle kangal africa alligator caiman crocodile harpy golden animals cats dogs teeth goats baboons sheeps monkeys gorillas apes of beasts eye the swamps water boars jungle cheetah hyena birds fun funny attacks battle at kruger hunting youtube mad attacks man fights shark
How to make synthetic dreads
It’s back up! READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! you can buy the fake hair here (called kanekalon) www.doctoredlocks.com amazon also has it www.amazon.com for longer haired people you probably want to do dread falls go here for how to put those in ikickshins.net Before asking me a question I’d appreciate if you looked through this site a little www.angrycaninelovestick.org It answers most questions that I don’t address here If your question is a “if I do this minor variation to your directions will it still work?” type, chances are I won’t answer because I have never have tried this specific variation and my answer is that you should try and see what happens. If it works post a video response about it. I don’t know answers to location specific questions unless that location is Boston or NYC. So, no I don’t know if *place selling hair online* ships to *your country* you should ask them, not me. And no I don’t know where to buy it in *where you live*. The best advice I can give if you don’t want to go online to buy it is look in a beauty supply store. I have no way of knowing how many dreads a package of kanekalon will make because a “dread” is not a unit of measurement. It depends on how thick they are and how long they are. There’s no way for me to answer this question. I also don’t know many many dreads it’ll take to do a whole head of hair. How dense do you want the dreads to be? How think is your hair? How thick are the dreads? Too many variables. There have been some …
Tutorial: Water Marble Nail Art
♥♥♥**Please Read me for more details on products used, and info! **♥♥♥ Hey loves, ♥ Check out my online store for affordable fashion clothing, accessories, makeup and more: glamboutique.weebly.com ♥Check out my boyfriend’s new online store monkiesplayground.weebly.com for cute affordable erasers!! ♥My facebook! Ask me questions here and get updates! http Today I’m going to be showing you how to do this super unique and pretty marbling/ marble nail art design, and it is actually really fun to do because it involves dripping the nail polish into water to get a super pretty marbling effect!! I really hope this helps you out or gives you some inspiration! Thank you so much for watching ! Have fun and good luck. If you do try this out, let me know what color combos you used!
Products used: – OPI Done out in Deco – OPI Glamour Game – OPI The color to watch – ELF eyeslipsface Smokey Brown – ELF Desert Haze – Vasaline – Cue Tips – Napkins to wipe your fingers! – Water (make sure its room temp!!! not cold!) – Disposable container/ cup xoxo, Kathleen