If Only Search Engines Could Understand What We Want

What if offline shopping were as cruel and difficult as buying online? What does that world look like? That’s the question that prompted our series of videos entitled ‘The Crazy, Messed Up World of Ecommerce”. Each video brings the story of a common online complaint–browser crashes, silly search results, irritating cross-selling–into the real world. To see more videos and enter our contest to win an Amazon gift certificate, visit: www.getelastic.com

Joomla 1.7 template: JM-Eco-Cosmetics

Using organic products is an increasing trend nowadays, which seems to take over the first place of a most choosen products. More and more people buy things made of organic ingredients – it means getting close to perfection. There are many companies and brands selling innovative cosmetics, that’s why your company has to stand out among others. Remember, that a large number of people use internet to look for best products, so your website must catch their eyes – JM-Eco-Cosmetics is a perfect joomla template to do the trick! Template is available here: www.joomla-monster.com Template’s demo: demo.joomla-monster.com