Using HTML5 and mbed for the Internet of Things

An real-time internet of things demo using the new cortex-m0 mbed ( ) and wifly wifi modules for the sensor, with data transmitted and displayed using html5 websockets and canvas on a mobile phone. Full details of how to build it is at http Note: uses a beta version of the Cortex-M0 mbed that is going to be released soon. To know more and when it is released, see

Ericom AccessNow – HTML5 RDP Client

Ericom AccessNow™ – HTML5 RDP client – allows you to quickly and easily connect to Windows applications and virtual desktops, from any device that has an HTML5 compatible web browser. Ericom AccessNow runs wholly inside the browser, does not install anything on the client device, and looks, works and performs like, and even better than, the regular (native) RDP client. It’s so simple! All you need is an HTML5 compatible web browser, such as Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer (with Chrome Frame plug-in), Firefox, and any other browser with HTML5 and WebSockets support.